On 17 June 2016, the Planning Inspector dismissed the appeal for the proposed housing development on land to the rear of Bury Close, following a reconvened planning appeal hearing held on 4 and 5 May. The main reasons given for dismissing the appeal were the harmful effects that the proposal would have on the setting of Cottingham Hall and the conservation area.
The Planning Inspector’s decision hopefully marks an end to villagers’ 10 year battle against housing on this site, since the first planning application was rejected back in May 2006.
Thanks to everyone in the villages, our Parish Councils, Corby Council’s Development Control team and our local MP Tom Pursglove for their continued support, time and commitment to help bring about this positive outcome.
The Against Building in Cottingham (ABC) campaign against the original 2006 planning application was led by Bob and Julie Riley, with subsequent campaigns being co-ordinated by the Cottingham Community Action Group, led by Jane Smith.
Appeal dismissed – villagers win 10 year battle over housing development
Northants Telegraph – 1 July 2016
2015: Housing plan rejected
Northants Telegraph – 9 Feb 2015 (and in 4 Feb print edition)
Harborough Mail – 9 Feb 2015 (and in 4 Feb print edition)
Corby Radio – 26 Jan 2015
2014: Village community unites against housing development
Dryden Phillipson interview, BBC Radio Northampton, 26 Mar 2014 (listen from 01.26)
Northants Evening Telegraph – 1 Apr 2014
2006: Council refuses homes plan
Northants Telegraph – 25 May 2006
2006: Develop defends housing plan
Northants Telegraph – 9 May 2006
2005: Mixed response on plan for homes
Northants Evening Telegraph – 27 July 2005
The Planning Inspector rejected this appeal in June 2016 following an appeal hearing held on 4 and 5 May. The application was also unanimously opposed by Corby Borough Council’s Development Control Committee in January 2016. View report to Committee. 79 objections were received to the proposal, including objections from CBC’s landscape consultant and tree officer, and our local MP Tom Pursglove.
Key documents
Appeal decision (June 2016)
Letter of congratulation from Tom Pursglove MP
Report to Corby Borough Council (CBC) Development Control Committee (Jan 2016)
Objection from Cottingham 20 year old (read out at CBC Development Control Committee on 26 Jan 2016)
Layout plan for 31 houses
More documents available on Corby Borough Council website
Our Parish Councils, Corby Borough Council and more than 100 villagers contacted the Planning Inspector to raise their concerns that the ‘appeal scheme’ was fundamentally different to the original application for 57 houses, and should therefore be the subject of a new planning application with further public consultation.
At an appeal hearing on 13 October 2015, the Planning Inspector, Mr Tim Wood, ruled that he was not willing to consider the amended scheme from the Kiff and Troke Partnership for 33 houses at that stage because there had been insufficient time for Corby Borough Council’s Development Control Committee and local residents to consider the scheme.
Key documents
Appeal decision
Parish Council notice (August 2015)
Corby Borough Council letter to residents
Peter Brett Associates (PBA) letter to residents
Appellant’s documents
Main appeal document
Layout plan for 33 houses
Appeal statement
Heritage statement
More documents available on Corby Borough Council website
Corby Borough Council’s Development Control Committee unanimously rejected the application from the Kiff and Troke Partnership on 20 January 2015 View papers. 489 people signed a petition opposing the development and 215 representations (mostly objections) were submitted to the planning authority.
Reasons for refusal from Corby Borough Council (Jan 2015)
Independent Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Study – full report
Independent Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Study – land parcel 9 (extract)
Petition signed by 489 people
More documents available on Corby Borough Council website
Village news and notices
Objection guidance notes and material considerations (March 2014)
Parish Council notice of public meeting (19 March 2014)
Consultee responses
Natural England
English Heritage (2 letters)
Wildlife Trust
Phil Richardson (national expert on bats)
North Northants Joint Planning Unit
Northants County Council archaeologist
Northants County Council planning department
Northants County Council Highways Department (2 letters)
Key objection letters
Cottingham Parish Council
Middleton Parish Council
Stephen Craik (current owner of Cottingham Hall)
Tom Pursglove (Conservative parliamentary candidate)
Ramblers Association
East Carlton Health Walking Group
Northants Bat Group
Other correspondence
Andy Sawford MP, letter to Corby Borough Council
In October 2013, Peter Brett Associates (PBA) acting on behalf of the Kiff and Troke Partnership hosted a public exhibition at the Methodist Hall in Cottingham to present and discuss plans to build 60 to 70 houses on land to the south of Cottingham Hall.
Village news and notices
PBA’s Q&A response to Cottingham News (29 Dec 2013)
Parish Councils agree to oppose development – advice to villagers on next steps (22 Oct 2013)
Cottingham News article with Q&A and information on planning policy (Nov 2013, page 2 and 3)
Parish Council notice regarding PBA exhibition (6 Oct 2013)
PBA documents
Invitation to exhibition
Exhibition boards (showing site plans)
This application from Bill and Sandra Kiff was rejected at officer level by Corby Borough Council in October 2006. The Against Building in Cottingham (ABC) campaign opposing the development was led by Bob and Julie Riley.
Key documents
Decision notice (October 2006)
Against Building in Cottingham (ABC) standard letter of objection
Cottingham and Middleton News article (August 2005)
Open letter to villagers from Bill and Sandra Kiff (July 2005)