Village Hall Annex View map
Next to the School, Berryfield Road, Cottingham LE16 8XY
The Phone Box on the junction of Main Street and The Hill in Middleton has now been fitted with a community defibrillator.
The defibrillator is designed for use by any member of the public without training, but all residents of Middleton and Cottingham are invited to come along to the familiarisation session to see how it works.
In the event of a suspected cardiac arrest the ambulance service should be alerted via a 999 call which can be made from the phone box. On receiving the call, the operator will provide you with the access code which is needed to release the defibrillator from its cabinet and once the defibrillator case is opened it plays a video showing you how to use it.
The installation of the defibrillator has been organised in consultation with the Community Heartbeat Trust and has been made possible by funding from Middleton Parish Council, Rockingham Wheelers, The village copyholders and the County Council Community Empowerment Fund. John Connachie has kindly painted the phone box with paint provided by the British Coatings Federation and BT is providing free electricity to the box.
The box will be checked regularly to ensure the defibrillator is in working order, but should you have any concerns that it has been vandalised please report them to a Middleton Parish Councillor or the Parish Clerk Mrs Justina Medwell.