Spread Eagle planning appeal lodged

We have been informed by Corby Borough Council that an appeal has been lodged against the refusal of planning permission to convert the Spread Eagle pub into a house (appeal reference APP/U2805/W/17/3180095).

The Borough Council will forward any comments made at the application stage to the Planning Inspectorate but, if you wish to make additional comments, you must send 3 copies to the Planning Inspectorate at the address below, or comment online through www.planningportal.gov.uk/pcs by 16 October 2017.

You can view the appeal documents by appointment at Corby Borough Council. Please contact Mr Mitesh Rathod on 01536 464160, email mitesh.rathod@corby.gov.uk

Planning Inspectorate contact

Tom Smith
The Planning Inspectorate
3P Kite Wing
Temple Quay House
2 The Square

More information and background