Coronation weekend, 6 to 8 May 2023

Saturday 6 May Ring for the King

On the day of King Charles III’s coronation, the Welland Valley bell ringers – including a new team from Cottingham and Middleton, who are learning to ring as part of the national ‘Ring for the King’ project – rang the Church bells at St Mary Magdalene at 2pm, before going on to ring the bells at every Church in the Welland Valley benefice. Pictured top left below (left to right) are Joanne Leaning, Andy Veasey, Reverend Amanda Oliver, Hannah Conlon, Mary Knott, Jane Smith and Janice Smith.

Sunday 7 May – The Big Feast

There was a great turnout for the Coronation Big Feast on the recreation field on Sunday afternoon, organised by Cottingham and Middleton Parish Councils. Thanks to all the organisers, and to local bands Soundpost and The Yellow Dog for keeping the revellers entertained.

The Yellow Dog

Monday 8 May – the Big Help Out

On Monday, with street parties happening in some parts of the villages, youngsters from Cottingham C of E Primary School took to the streets to clean some of the village road and street signs, as part of the national Big Help Out community initiative. Well done children – you did an amazing job!