We now have an active team from Cottingham and Middleton ringing the bells at St Mary Magdalene Church.
Supported by tutors Nick and Helen Churchman, and other ringers from the Welland Vallley Benefice, the Cottingham and Middleton team is Joanne Leaning (Tower Captain), Hannah Conlon, Jane Smith, Jean Wilkins and Mary Knott.
The team is still learning the ropes (literally!), and bell ringing practice takes place at the Church from 7pm to 8pm on Fridays.
For more information, or if you’re interested in giving bell ringing a go, please contact Tower Captain Joanne Leaning on joanne.leaning@btinternet.com, mobile 07776 261647.
Bell ringing news
Repairs to Bell No.3
To ensure ringing can continue well into the future, we need to make sure that the five bells, frames, bearings, ropes etc are well maintained.
As part of this, in August 2024 we made essential repairs to the frame for Bell No.3, which had rotted quite badly. This frame is supporting a bell weighing around 300kg (a third of a ton), and repairs were needed to maintain the integrity of the bearing mounting.
The work, which entailed removing all rotten wood, treating the affected area, then strengthening and filling the cavity with resin, was carried out by Pete Sturman, Dave Palmer and Andy Bimson.
Most of the £800 needed for these repairs was raised from the Dr Albury ghost story events held in the Church in December 2023. Thanks to author Pete Bowman, our narrator George West-Robinson and everyone who supported these events.

New bell ropes
A new set of bell ropes was installed in February 2024, at a cost of £175 + VAT for each of the five bells. Donations were received from:
- Mary Freestone, whose coffee morning in April 2023 raised a whopping £760;
- Noel Rogers, Wendy and Gordon Brown, in memory of a much-loved wife and and sister, Patricia Rogers; and
- Jane Smith and Pete Bowman, in memory of their friend and neighbour, Wayne Smith.
There is now a framed certificate in the church acknowleging these generous donations.