The planning application submitted by the landowners to erect a house on the Spread Eagle car park (reference 18/00617/DPA) was REFUSED by Corby Borough Council’s Development Control Committee on Tuesday 11 February. The decision was made by a majority of 4 to 3 with 1 councillor abstaining. The applicants do of course still have the right to appeal against this decision.
The planning application was first considered by the DCC on Monday 16 December 2019, where councillors agreed unanimously that a site visit was needed before a decision could be made.
At both meetings, Owen Davison raised his objections and Sarayou George did the same on behalf of Cottingham Parish Council.
At the meeting, Owen Davison raised his objections and Sarayou George did the same on behalf of Cottingham Parish Council. “I am pleased Corby Council has given us a voice,” said Sarayou. “The area is already congested and if permission was granted it would have impacted on the pub which we want to see thrive.”
Cllr David Sims, who recommended the refusal principally on highways grounds, also said that, if built, the house would affect the viability of the drinking venue and have a detrimental effect on the conservation area.
View Northants Telegraph article – 12 February 2020
View report to Development Control Committee