Recent incidents reported – please be vigilant

Recent burglaries

Our local PCSO Anita Hambly has asked us to make you aware of a spate of attempted burglaries in the villages over the past month, plus one actual burglary where a car was stolen. Could villagers please be vigilant, keep windows and doors locked (even during the day) and place car keys out of sight. Report any suspicious activity to the non-emergency number on 101 and, if you witness a crime in progress, call 999.

Livestock thefts

A local farm has also had some livestock stolen in recent weeks. Our rural police team is working closely with their colleagues in Leicestershire as it is possible this is an organised gang that may be travelling across borders. If you see anyone acting suspiciously near livestock, call the non-emergency number on 101 and pass on any registrations of vehicles present.

Lead thefts

We have also been alerted to recent thefts of lead from the church roofs in Weston-by-Welland and Gretton. Please  keep your eyes open and report any unusual activity to the non-emergency number on 101.

Police surgeries

PCSO Anita Hambly will be holding Police surgeries at the Village Shop at 2.30pm on 10 October and 11am on 7 November.

You can also contact her by on email