The events held to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in June 2012 were a roaring success. Here are a few pictures taken by Andy Gilgrist, Del Robertson, Jane Smith, Pete Bowman and Ally Chorlton.
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Thanks go to….
- The Jubilee Committee – Joanne Leaning, Irene Beadsworth, Anne and Owen Davison, Sue Hall, Chris Owen
- Corby Borough Council, Cottingham Parish Council and local company LE16 Communications for their financial support
Monday 5 June (Grand BBQ)
- Anne and Owen Davison for inviting villagers into their garden and marquee, decorating the tables and for organising, preparing and cooking the food with their friends Ann and Roger Allanson
- Anne Parker for helping decorate the marquee and setting up for the evening
- Irene Beadsworth, Kitty Smith and Jackie Wagner for preparing the salads, Sue Hall for the strawberries and Pete Bowman, Dorothy Anderson and Joanne Leaning for the wonderful array of cup cakes
- Bip Wetherell and the Valley Voice choir, led by Debbie Smith and accompanied by Stewart Hayday, for entertaining
- Everyone who donated prizes for the raffle
- Joanne Leaning and Rich Guilford for organising the bar and, with Pete Bowman and Jane Smith, decorating the marquee, running the bar on the evening and clearing up!
- Del Robertson for organising the Jubilee quiz
- Ally Chorlton for helping with the raffle and clearing up
Tuesday 6 June (Children and family day)
- Irene Beadsworth for preparing the children’s tea party with Rosemary Fydler, Wendy Curtis, Mary Knott and Angela Preston-Jones, who made sandwiches and cakes
- Mark Steiner for organising the five-a-side football, John Anderson for refereeing and all the teams that took part
- Emma Tayler for organising the games and competitions with fellow teachers from Cottingham School
- Cottingham School children for the lovely singing, hand made bunting and Jubilee pictures
- Chris Owen for his Jubilee display
- Mr and Mrs Custard (Bob Riley and Julie Grant) for amusing the children
- Jake Raj and friends for the superb BBQ
- David Swallow for his announcing skills
- Jon and Clare Dixon for the coconut shy
- Joanne Leaning and Rich Guilford for organising and running the bar (again!), and for decorating the hall and clearing up, ably assisted by Pete Bowman, Jane Smith and Ben Leaning