At the delayed North Northants Council Planning Committee meeting on 21 June 2021, retrospective planning application NC/21/00036/DPA for five traveller pitches at Peasdale Hill Field was unanimously rejected by Councillors, having also been recommended for rejection by the council’s planning officers.
Regrettably, due in part to the transition to the new Unitary Council for North Northamptonshire, covid restrictions and the local elections, the planning meeting was held later than the deadline for determination of the application, which has provided the owners of Peasdale Hill with an opportunity to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate that the development be allowed to continue on the grounds of non-determination within the statutory period. North Northants Council will now have to convince the Planning Inspectorate that there were valid reasons for the planning meeting delay. This is the second appeal by the owners of Peasdale Hill, the first being against the Council’s original enforcement notice.
Middleton Residents Action Group (RAG) has advised that, in many ways, the hard work starts now, with appeals already in place and in the pipeline. RAG will continue to work with the Parish Councils and neighbouring villages to bring pressure to bear on the new North Northants Council to resolve the underlying issue of lack of provision for traveller sites in the area, and to ensure timely enforcement action is taken against unauthorised development, planning infringements and breaches.