Last updated 13 April 2021
Coronavirus – supporting our community
As a small community, we need to do all we can to support each other and keep each other safe in the light of the Coronavirus outbreak. Here’s what’s happening in the villages, things to look out for and how you can help.
Neighbourhood Champions
An amazing 72 villagers stepped forward to offer support to neighbours who are vulnerable or self-isolating, and every cluster of 10 houses in Cottingham and Middleton has a Neighbourhood Champion assigned.
Neighbourhood Champions – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The co-ordinators are always happy to receive any feedback, good ideas or queries you may have, preferably by email, to any of the contacts below.
- Sarah Brant,, 07745 574025
- George West-Robinson,, 07891 159155
- Rachel Raj,, 07584 212067
A huge thank you to all our volunteers. You truly are Champions!
Welland Wanderer
The Welland Wanderer bus service will be suspended from 1 March, as the low number of people using the buses (while only essential travel is allowed) unfortunately makes the service unviable. Services will be resumed as soon as circumstances allow and demand is likely to return. The operators apologise for any inconvenience caused, but have taken this decision now in order to retain sufficient resources to re-start operations when possible.

Current opening times
Monday to Wednesday, 8am to 1pm
Thursday, 8am to 5pm
Friday & Saturday, 8am to 1pm
Sunday, 9am to 1pm
Farrell’s Fish van is back outside the shop, every Wednesday from 12 noon to 12.30pm. And Sid’s delivery van now visits us every Thursday, stopping at 10am by the Spread Eagle car park and 11.15am outside Rockingham Wheelers on Ashley Road.
Royal George

The Royal George is back open 5pm to 11pm Monday to Friday and 1pm to 11pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Food is available Tuesday to Friday 5.30pm to 8.30pm, Saturday 1pm to 8.30pm and Sunday 1pm to 5pm. under the current rules, this is outside only for tables of up to 6 (or 2 households). Face coverings must be worn when walking through the building. Contact the pub on 01536 660505 or see their Facebook page for the latest information.
Blackthorn Cafe

Blackthorn Café (up at the Golf Club at the top of Corby Road), is now open for groups of 6 (or 2 households) to eat outside on the decking. They’re also open for takeaways. See the café’s Facebook page or contact, telephone 07789 727764.
Enjoying the countryside

If you’re looking to get out for a bit of fresh air and exercise, you may like to try out the Cottingham and Middleton Village Walks, that take you round the villages and show you points of interest along the way.
There are also plenty of short circular walks using the footpaths in the villages, which you can see on this interactive map. Footpaths are marked with dashes and the Jurassic Way with diamonds. For the clearest view, set the slider in the middle of the marker at the top left of the map.
There are currently cows grazing in The Dale. The grazier has assured us that, in accordance with the grazing agreement, there’ll be no more than 10 cows – no calves, bulls or cows with horns, and all mature beasts that are used to being around people. If there are any problems, please contact David Grayson on 772565, email
Parish Council meetings online
Both our Parish Councils are currently holding their monthly meetings online, using the Zoom platform. Please see the Parish Council websites for times and details.
Cottingham Parish Council
Middleton Parish Council
Corby Foodbank
Corby Foodbank has seen the number of people going in for food parcels jump to an all time record. If you’d like to make a donation of non-perishable food to the Foodbank, Jane Sheldon is taking supplies up there every Monday. Please drop them into her porch anytime at 28 Rockingham Road, Cottingham.
Virtual Church Services
You can join in with a virtual church service from St John’s Church, Corby at 10am every Sunday, with the Reverend Paul Frost. Click on the following link:
Watch out for scams

There has been an increase in cyber and fraud related crime since the COVID outbreak. Northants Police has produced two useful leaflets to help you protect yourself against fraud and keep yourself safe online.
Take five – 5 steps to preventing fraud – download leaflet
Protect yourself from scams – download leaflet
Cyber safety checklist – download leaflet
The Safer Corby Team at Corby Borough Council has also produced a leaflet giving advice on support services available and how to prevent becoming a victim of scams currently prevalent as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. View Safer Corby Team leaflet.

More information and advice is available from Action Fraud, consumer champions Which? and this BBC news article also identifies some of the scams that have been identified and how you can keep yourself safe online.
Northamptonshire has launched its very first Integrated Mental Health Response Hub, a 24/7 telephone support system. If you are feeling anxious, stressed or feel that you need a bit of support with your mental wellbeing, you can get support from a helpful Mental Health Navigator by calling 0300 330 1011.
For the latest updates, please keep an eye on this page #HeretoHelp and the village Facebook page. You can also sign up for email updates here.
Village email updates – view archive
Please comply with, and keep yourselves updated on Public Health England instructions. Stay safe and stay well.