Cottingham Parish Council has been investigating the feasibility of installing a defibrillator machine (DEFIB unit) in the village. This follows a serious incident earlier this year when a cyclist collapsed from a heart attack outside the village shop. Fortunately, local people at the scene were able to apply CPR until emergency medical services arrived. They immediately deployed their mobile DEFIB unit and remarked that this was probably a critical factor in his survival. The patient has, happily, made a full recovery.
This incident highlights the fact that fast access to a DEFIB machine can greatly assist, and be critical, in certain emergencies. On that day, there was no transport available to fetch the DEFIB unit in Middleton quickly enough to be of practical help.
The cost of a DEFIB unit is £1,500 and it’s proposed that the unit be installed in a steel cabinet on the wall to the left of the shop entrance on Corby Road. The Shop Committee has kindly agreed to this, and to funding the annual cost (circa £10) for electricity to power the cabinet. A Cottingham resident has generously offered to install the power supply free of charge.
Mike Curtis, the parish councillor co-ordinating this project, has already received generous offers of financial contributions from several people. If you’d like to make a donation towards the cost of the unit, they would be gratefully received. You can donate by cash or cheque (payable to Cottingham Parish Council), placed into the box provided at the Village Store.
The closing date for donations is Friday 27th November.
If you have any questions or comments about the project, please contact Mike Curtis on email, telephone 01536 771987.