Consultation on Gypsy & Traveller Local Plan

North Northamptonshire Council has started work on the North Northamptonshire Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan (formerly known as the North Northamptonshire Gypsy and Traveller Sites Allocations Policy) to address the accommodation needs of gypsy and travellers in the area.

The Scope and Options consultation marks the first engagement stage in preparing the new plan. At this stage, the Council is inviting comments from the public on what should be included in the Local Plan in line with Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 and the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

NNC wants to hear what you think about the scope of the plan and the options identified in the Scope and Options document. By answering their questions, NNC will better understand how you think they should develop planning policies and site allocations to meet the identified need for Gypsy and Travellers and ensure high standards of design, development and living conditions.

The consultation is accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report which will also seek views on during the consultation period.

The Regulation 18 consultation documents and other related documents can be viewed online at and are also available for inspection at the main Council’s offices and public libraries.

The consultation period starts on Wednesday 5 April 2023 and closes at midnight on Wednesday 31 May 2023.

Any comments should be made using the response form available online at . You are encouraged to use the response form or structure of the response form to submit comments. Alternatively, comments can be submitted by post to Planning Policy Team, North Northamptonshire Council, Deene House, New Post Office Square, Corby NN17 1GD, or by email to

Please review the attached Public Notice and, should you wish, submit your comments using the above links.